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Frosted Fruit Tree and Bowl

'Once in a while, for special holidays and occasions, "going over the top" with decorating is appropriate. Christmas and New Year's are certainly such occasions. However, fabulous creations can look extravagant and time consuming yet conservative in time, energy and money. A Della Robbia frosted fruit tree will dazzle your guests but does not deeply dent a busy schedule or the checkbook.


The only downfall of this beautiful tabletop design, it does not last long. Created with real fruits and white sugar, one or two wild nights is unfortunately its life span. Luckily it is easy to duplicate time and time again, and it's timeless fruit motif never goes out of style. Garden and flower lovers will want to have this classic display in their performance repertoire. 




  • 12-inch Styrofoam cone/tree shaped form 

  • Decorative urn or container with 6-inch opening 

  • Green sheet moss, enough to cover Styrofoam form 

  • Low heat glue gun and glue or 24 gauge wire or approximately 15 to 20 greening pins, available at craft stores. 

  • 24 to 34 pieces of fruit - Select a variety of fruits i.e. grapes, oranges, pears, pomegranates, strawberries, cherries, lemons, limes etc., enough to cover the Styrofoam form. 

  • Approximately 3 egg whites in small bowl 
    Small paint brush ? The brush is used for painting fruit with egg whites 

  • 3 to 5 cups granulated white sugar in medium size bowl 

  • Approximately 24 to 34 wood-picks, 5-inches in length, or about 15 wood shishkabob skewers 

  • Knife to cut fruit 

  • OPTIONAL-sprigs of Christmas evergreens 




  1. With low heat glue gun, adhere moss onto Styrofoam form. Or, attach moss with bent wire or floral greening pins. (Simply cut wires into 3-inch lengths; then bend into bobby pin shape. The bent wires or greening pins hold the moss in place.) 

  2. Place mossed form in decorative container, if desired glue in place with glue gun. 

  3. Separate egg whites from yolks, saving egg whites in a small bowl. Also fill medium size bowl with granulated white sugar. 

  4. Brush eggs whites on fruit, then roll fruit in sugar. The sugar will stick to the egg white covered fruit. Set sugared fruit on plate or countertop and let dry for about 10 to 15 minutes. NOTE: Some fruits such as pears can be cut in half length-wise, and then sugared. Pomegranates and citrus look beautiful with the inside of the fruit exposed and sugared. However, apples and pears should be placed on the form skin side out, as they will brown. 

  5. Cut wood picks or skewers into 4-inch lengths, then insert one pick into each piece of sugar frosted fruit. 

  6. Now carefully insert frosted and "picked" fruit into Styrofoam form. Place fruits as close together as possible. 

  7. Finally, and if desired, fill in the gaps between the fruit with more moss, holly or other evergreens.


IDEA: For an almost instant Della Robbia centerpiece, simply fill a crystal bowl with sugar frosted fruits! If desired, tuck in a few flowers.

My best,

© 2017 by Jill Slater

Website designed by Jahana Moledina

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